High School Staff

Staff Directory

Email, Website
Amill, Chris
Head Football Coach, Behavior Specialist
Support Staff
Corvian High School Staff
Amill, Chris
Head Football Coach, Behavior Specialist
Support Staff
Corvian High School Staff
Branciforte, Cindy
School Social Worker, 504 Coordinator
Corvian High School Staff
Support Staff
Branciforte, Cindy
School Social Worker, 504 Coordinator
Corvian High School Staff
Support Staff
Cole, Yula
English Teacher
Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Corvian High School Staff
English Department
Cromwell, Clayton
Math and Science Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Math Department
DiGavero, Jason
Math Teacher, Department Chair
Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Corvian High School Staff
Math Department
Gallucci, John
English Teacher
Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Corvian High School Staff
English Department
Hobgood, Alex
Social Studies Teacher, Department Chair
Corvian High School Staff
Social Studies Department
Julian, Jamie
Visual Arts Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Electives Department
Keller, Elizabeth
EC Teacher
Academic Support
Corvian High School Staff
Kittell, Connor
Economics Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Social Studies Department
Landon, Tess
Social Studies Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Social Studies Department
Madix, Careen
EC Teacher
Academic Support
Corvian High School Staff
Martin, Christopher
High School Principal
Martin, Trey
Facilities and Maintenance Engineer
Corvian High School Staff
Mendoza, Valeria
High School Counselor; Psychology Teacher
Academic Support
Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Corvian High School Staff
Miller, Wayne
Math Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Math Department
Moore, Heather
Physical Education, Health Teacher, Athletic Trainer
Corvian High School Staff
Electives Department
Nisperuza, Victor
Spanish Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Electives Department
Pierce, Allison
Science Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Science Department
Reo, Greta
English Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
English Department
Rolls, Jen
High School Assistant Principal
Smith, Michelle
Office Manager
Support Staff
Truss, Mackenzie
EC Teacher
Academic Support
Corvian High School Staff
Wicks, Stephanie
Science Teacher
Corvian High School Staff
Science Department
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