1st/ 2nd Grade Staff

Amos, Valerie
1st & 2nd Grade Teacher Assistant
Bock, Teresa
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2009
BS in Elementary Education from UNC Charlotte
Clement, Kelly
Teacher Assistant
Fite, Meredith
Teacher Assistant
Garver, Santha
Teacher Assistant
Hall, Anna
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2020
BS in Elementary Education from Liberty University
Hernandez, Tori
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2015
BA in Elementary Education, Minor in Reading Education, from University of North Carolina Charlotte.
Herron, Marianna
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2013
BA in Sociology from University of North Carolina Charlotte
Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education from UNC Charlotte
MAT from UNC Charlotte
Martin, Jenel
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2005
BS in Elementary Education from Ohio State University
Monceaux, Misty
Teacher Assistant
Rowland, Taylor
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2022
BS in Elementary Education from NC State University
Sanderson, Chloe
Lead Teacher
Summers, Larissa
Lead Teacher
Travis, Michele
Lead Teacher
BS from Bloomsburg University
Teacher Training through UNC Chapel Hill
Tripp, Julie
Teacher Assistant
Ward, Peggy
Teacher Assistant
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