Dear Parents and Prospective Parents,
The annual North Carolina School Report Card offers a way for Corvian Community School’s stakeholders to learn more about our school.
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, community member or business owner, we encourage you to take the time to look at our school report cards closely. You will find information regarding student performance, performance on end-of-grade testing, school discipline, funds spent per student, student demographics, teacher qualifications, school and class size, and much more.
This year, we are especially proud of our teacher qualifications, class size, and student performance. This information reflects a strong commitment from highly qualified educators supported by a broad-based network of parents, community leaders, volunteers, and businesses in our community.
Although we invite you to share in our sense of accomplishment, we also invite you to see the potential we see in each child who is enrolled in Corvian Community School. Look at our data, navigate through our school report card, or personally visit our schools. Your comments and suggestions are always important to us. As always, it is both an honor and privilege to be a part of a school system that is valued.
Corvian Administration