3rd/ 4th Grade Staff

Callicutt, Marcie
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2018
BS in Business Administration from Appalachian State University
Teacher Licensure Program at UNC Charlotte
Collins-Jackson, Kaytlen
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2019
BA in Elementary Education and Reading from UNC Charlotte
Gray, Sally
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2017
BA in Elementary Education from High Point University
M.Ed in Educational Literacy from High Point University
Love, Savannah
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2017
BA in Elementary Education from Appalachian State University
McCoy, Kathy
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 2010
BA in Elementary Education from University of North Carolina Charlotte
Monico, Jane
Teacher Assistant
Rivers, Kiara
Lead Teacher
Voll, Theresa
Lead Teacher
In the classroom since 1997
BA in Psychology from Wheeling Jesuit University
MA Education from West Virginia University
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