Corvian Parent Compact

Corvian Community School

Title 1 School/Student/Parent Compact & Parent and Family Involvement Policy 

This policy and compact have been jointly developed and agreed upon by the Corvian Community School family; parents and family members, students, staff and administration. 

Title 1 Parent and Family Compact 

The goal of the Title 1 program is to help every child get a high-quality education. The Corvian family; administration, staff, parents/family members, and students each have responsibilities they must meet in order to accomplish this goal. 

As a student, I promise to….

*come to school every day on time and be prepared to learn and participate

* ask for help when I need it

* respect and cooperate with other students and adults

* do my homework and participate in all learning activities and opportunities with my best attitude and willingness to learn

As a parent/family member, I promise to…. 

* help my child attend school every day and be on time

* find a quiet place for my child to read and complete homework

* read to and with my child on a regular basis

* provide enriching learning experiences at home

* attend Parent Teacher Conferences 

* communicate regularly with the school, principal, and classroom teachers

* participate in decisions related to my child’s education and achievement, as appropriate

* make an effort to be involved in school activities

* follow the school’s pick up and drop off policy

As a school, we promise to….

* deliver a challenging academic curriculum and explain our standards to parents each year

* provide a physically and emotionally safe environment where students feel comfortable to take risks

* help parents understand the way these standards are assessed and how they can help their child achieve these goals

* be available to support reasonable requests, suggestions, and questions in regard to Title 1 policies and responsibilities

* provide multiple opportunities, at convenient times, for parents/family members to build a partnership with the school, where the school will provide materials and reciprocal training to assist the parents in promoting their students’ academic achievement {I.e.: Parent Teacher Conferences and School Improvement Plan} 

* invite parents to plan and review the State of the School Address

* provide this policy and compact to parents in a language they can understand

Parent and Family Engagement Policy 

The administration, staff and parents of Corvian Community School believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire community, including the school district, school, community members, school administration, staff, students and parents (including guardians and all members of a student’s family involved in his/her education). We are committed to meeting the needs of all our students. To accomplish this, we must all work together. Parent and family engagement in the school will include opportunities for: 

* Parents to volunteer and be involved in school activities 

* Effective communication between the school and family

* Parents to participate in school decision-making 

* Staff development and parent education (including communication about specific staff development) 

* Parents to provide home support for their student’s education 

Student signature: __________________________________________________

Parent signature: ___________________________________________________

School official: _____________________________________________________

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