
7th Grade Math

At Corvian Community School, we strive to develop our students into independent thinkers and problem solvers. We feel strongly about the use of hands-on, inquiry-based learning, integrated activities, and differentiated instruction. Sometimes our students will be engaged in integrated units of study where mathematical skills and concepts are couched into a scientific context. In other instances, we will teach math and science separately, but often with a project-based approach. In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade we will align the curriculum and capitalize on the natural math/science connections that can occur at each level of study.
Instruction and learning in Common Core Math 7 focuses on five critical areas:
  • developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships
  • developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations
  • solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume
  • drawing inferences about two populations using measures of center and variability
  • developing understanding of probability and applying various methods to find the probabilities of compound events
  • Common Core Accelerated Math 7

    In addition to the five critical areas described for Common Core Math 7, Accelerated Math 7 contains content from 8th grade standards. The additional content demands a faster pace for instruction and learning.

    7th Grade7th Grade Accelerated
    Ratios and Proportional Relationships
    Ratios; Rates; Unit Rates; Constant of Proportionality of Tables, Graphs, Equations, Diagrams and Verbal Descriptions; Multi-step Ratio and Percent Problems 
    Proportional Relationships, Lines and Linear Equations, Slope, Compare Functions (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables or by verbal descriptions), Interpret Slope Intercept Form, Rate of Change with Linear Equations, Linear vs. Nonlinear Functions 
    The Number System
    Rational and Irrational Numbers, Operations of Rational Numbers, Real World Integer Computation, Complex Fractions 
    The Number System
    The Real Number System, Rational and Irrational Numbers, Decimal Expansions, Rational and Irrational Numbers Approximations, Located Rational and Irrational Numbers on Number Line 
    Expressions and Equations
    Linear Expressions and Equations with Rational Coefficients, Solve Word Problems of Equations and Inequalities, Solve Multi-step Problems Using Rational Number Computation (whole number, fractions, and decimals) 
    Expressions and Equations
    Square and Cube Roots, Exponents and Laws of Exponents, Scientific Notation, Operations with Numbers in Scientific Notation, Graph Proportional Relationships, Solve Multi-Step Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides, Analyze and Solve Systems of Linear Equations 
    Scale Drawings; Construct Geometric Shapes; Area and Volume of 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Figures; Area and Circumference of Circle; Supplementary, Complementary, Vertical and Adjacent Angles 
    Proportions with Scale Drawings, Geometric Constructions, Area and Volume of 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Figures, Circumference and Area of Circles, Angle Measures, Pythagorean Theorem, Transformations, Congruent and Similar Figures, Volume Formulas (cones, cylinders, and sphere) 
    Statistics and Probability
    Data Distributions, Analyze Statistical Data, Population Sampling, Measures of Center and Measures of Variability, Probability of Simple and Compound Events 
    Statistics and Probability
    Measures of Center and Measures of Variability, Probability of Simple and Compound Events (lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulations), Bivariate Data, Scatter Plots (clusters, outliers, linear associations and nonlinear associations), Relative Frequencies In Two-way Tables, Construct and Interpret a Two-way Table 

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